Michel Welding & Propane

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Refurbish/Removal of Propane Tanks

There are a few reasons why someone would want to remove a propane tank. One reason may be if you are on a lease with a particular company and your contract is up. You may want to change supplier or buy your own tank. Michel Welding and Propane would like to help you make this transition as seamless as possible. We can coordinate between you and your original supplier to remove your old tank, and install your new one. Sometimes, we have even been fortunate enough to “trade” the new tank for the old tank so as the ground need not be disturbed. This is up to the original supplier.

Another reason may be to ensure the longevity of a tank. With age and weather sometimes it becomes necessary to refurbish a tank. This will be done on a case by case basis, sometimes on site, sometimes at our shop location. We can provide temporary service at this time if needed. It is recommended to at least paint AG tanks every so often to avoid severe deterioration. Underground tanks are tested via cathodic testing. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us here.

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